Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Open letter for the Ex-PM of India on why he should look forward to attend "Sarbat Khalsa"

Dear Dr. Singh,

Realizing the fact that you still hold the no. 3 position in the constitutional power hierarchy of the country, I feel that it is my responsibility to inform you about an important upcoming political and religious event likely to be held in our country at Sri Akal Takht Sahib, Amritsar. As you might be aware of the fact that since its inception, "Sarbat Khalsa" was held at a time whenever sikh community went through survival-crisis. Similar crisis-like situation has occurred in our history when it is not just the external pressure curbing our existence but also the internal factionalism and conspiracies have acquired a center stage.

Please excuse me if I cross the line in conveying my message but this issue has be addressed with a strongly worded message to make happen the unthinkable. I know that some sikh organisations like SAD (Badal) who have acquired power at the state level have always bashed your affiliation with the Congress, a party that has been the prime accused for the 1984 anti-sikh riots that claimed thousands of lives, but even then, they find it hard to challenge your personal morality and integrity. I am of the view that even if some Congress leaders like Jagdish Tytler, Sajjan Kumar and HKL Bhagat who have been accused of inciting violence against sikhs, may not have been punished by the law of land, they cannot escape their own conscious and almighty's wrath. Even if Gandhi Dynasty doesn't share a good equation with the sikh community, your one gesture can help fill the chasm between the sikhs and the family's successors who are not the prime offenders of Sikh faith. Your institutional loyalty may not be permitting you to go over-board and serve your own community, but your community-spirit could be useful to rebuild the reputation of the institution you are affiliated with.

While parties like SAD (B) claim that anyone not affiliated to them is not even a sikh and SGPC simply acting as a second fiddle to them, the "Jathedars" are reduced to being powerless actors devoid of any decision-making authority. On the other hand, radical outfits like SAD (Amritsar), SAD (Panch Pardhani), SAD (United) are propagating a separatist philosophy within our community. The philosophy of a separate sikh state seems irrational and vision-less without the acceptance of a more powerful and a rational philosophy of the "One World Government". Just like the international issues of "Israel's Gaza strip" and "Kashmir", the issue of "Sikh identity crisis" has maintained its status quo for the last 6-7 decades and no breakthrough has been achieved in it for more than half a century. Different governments have come and gone, many dynasties have gained and lost power, people have lost their lives, but in vain.

Your presence at the event will epitomize the fact that India is not anti-sikh and sikhs have risen to the highest level in the country. At the personal level it will give you a deep sense of being re-connected to your roots. At the global level , the sikhs residing across the globe will get a message that India, the land of origin of Sikhism, has nurtured sikh-personalities with a global vision. Your participation in the process will help pass the community-friendly as well as country-friendly resolutions.

Looking forward for a wise and a bold gesture from you.

Yours Truly

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